This site is an archive for blog posts from 2011 - 2022.

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UX Magazine – The Hidden Value of UX Connectors and the Future of Our Community

I was in Austin, Texas recently and, following the rules of UX Adventure, I took the opportunity to coordinate with some Austin UXers to meet at a local bar. On the day of the meetup, I checked my Twitter account and noticed that our rendezvous ...

By |2020-12-04T09:08:37-05:00April 10th, 2014|Posted elsewhere, Publication, UX Career, UX Leadership|

Get out there to advance your career + real networking: a winning combination

In early November 2010, I was finishing up my first year as the president of the UXPA DC chapter and was in San Antonio on a separate user research project with the then UXPA DC VP, Jen Romano Bergstrom.  One evening, after the research had ...

By |2020-12-04T09:08:38-05:00March 5th, 2014|Networking, Speaking, UX Career, UX Leadership, UXPA|

Tips & Techniques for UX Professionals: Introverts, Ambiverts and Shyness

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard UX professionals say that they are introverts. Sometimes they tell me directly, and sometimes it just comes up in a group conversation. At other times, I’ve heard it from speakers at conferences. Is it true? ...

By |2020-12-04T09:08:39-05:00January 22nd, 2014|Networking, UX Career, UX Leadership|

Diversify Your User Experience Career

Investors are advised to make sure that they have diversity in their portfolio. By diversifying into multiple types of investments and different kinds of industries, there is a safety in knowing that if one type of investment fails, there are other investments that will still ...

By |2020-12-04T09:08:39-05:00December 16th, 2013|Consulting, Networking, UX Career, UX Leadership|

UX Magazine – These Are My People: The Value in UX Organizations

While at the User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) International conference last month in Washington, D.C., I spent a lot of time talking with attendees. I heard all sort of interesting things there, but one simple comment resonated with me: as an attendee looked around the ...

By |2020-12-04T09:08:41-05:00August 21st, 2013|Networking, Posted elsewhere, Publication, UX Career, UX Leadership, UXPA|
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